A visionary is someone who holds the intuition, the mental fortitude, and ideas that are so out of the box that they might as well have occurred as a miracle simply due to the rarity and innovation seen in them. A visionary is someone who inspires, changes trends, and causes a paradigm shift all by his ideas alone. Where do these ideas or thoughts emerge from? They emerge from the mind, of course, but for the mind to be so inspired to create something new, it has to gain some form of enlightenment of some kind. In this blog, we will be taking a look at some new thought books that provide this level of enlightenment to the average person.
What Is New Thought?
A spiritual movement that emerged in the late 19th century in the United States, one wonders how such an old movement has such a profound impact on the minds of people today. So, let’s look at some of the reasons. The idea behind the movement lies on the basis that everything comes from God and, as such, is innately good. The movement also establishes the idea that everyone is a spiritual being, and thus, they live in a spiritual universe. The only sin that the movement believes in is the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the Divine Truth. New thought also preaches the view that disease can be cured by the truth and that it originates in the mind.
Must Read New Thought Books
We will be presenting a list of the ten must-read new thought books that cover the idea of spirituality, breaking free from societal norms, and knowing oneself. These are going to be very thought provoking reads, and they will be deeply intriguing and fun to read.
1. The World According to AI (It’s Not What You Think!) By Arno Lilac
This is an intriguing new thought book that proposes the idea that the world is something that humans misunderstand, and this book believes that people would be better off breaking free from societal norms and embracing the shared humanity that people have with one another and by celebrating our unique aspirations we can become much more positive people and live better lives.
2. The Game of Life and How to Play it By Florence Scovel Shinn
This is a book that talks about how the energy we give out to the world is the energy we receive in return. The energy that we gain from giving leads us to gain positivity in return.
3. As A Man Thinketh By James Allen
This is a book that suggests the idea that one who thinks nobly will have noble things happen to him, and those who think negatively will have negative things happen to them. Thus, it is better to think with a positive mind.
4. The Science of Mind By Ernest Shurtleff Holmes
This is a book that suggests the idea that we create our own reality by the ways in which we think and commit ourselves to things.
5. The Secret By Robert Byrne
This is a book that talks about ‘The Secret’ it’s something that can help cure sickness, amass a great deal of wealth as well as make one as successful as they ever wished to be, a fascinating and intriguing new thought book.
6. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham By Esther Hicks
This is a book that deals with the ‘law of attraction’, which refers to the laws of the universe that people misunderstand and how they can be used to one’s advantage.
7. Ask and It Is Given Esther Hicks
This is a book that suggests the idea that whatever we’re asking for is already being given to us. This book presents a clear formula to ask for things and how to receive them from the universe. This can mean that if one wishes to become something great, then the person needs to ask the universe in such a way that they gain it.
8. The Science of Getting Rich By Wallace D. Wattles
This is a book that suggests the idea that if one’s mind is in the wrong place, then they won’t receive the things that they want, such as getting rich or finding romance. The fact is if one’s mind is in a positive state, then one will receive the things one desires.
9. Power vs. Force By David R. Hawkins
This book provides a framework for living a positive and fulfilling life through mastering one’s emotions and harnessing one’s inner power, as well as understanding one’s emotions much better.
10. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender By David R. Hawkins
This book suggests the idea that one must let go of blocks to gain success, happiness, love, joy, and success, as well as to become enlightened.
Hopefully this list of new thought books helps you understand yourself better and allows you to reach the enlightenment in life that you’ve always wanted.